I’ve divided my work into several categories so that you can easily pick and choose what you’d like to see.  Just like in a museum, keep moving until something grabs you and you must stop and look.


At the beach with our dogs Cricket and Hachi

Who Am I?

Born in Wiesbaden, Germany; daughter of Michael and Letizia Manzione.  Lived in Europe until 1971, entered the United States to attend college and begin life in America.  Moved to Hawaii in 1984. Currently traveling with all our animals (2 dogs & 3 cats) and living in tropical climates.

Mississippi College, Bachelor of Science, 1975; Mississippi College, MA 1976; continuing studies at the Milwaukee School of Art, 1978; Saint Martin’s School of Art, London, 1987; University of Hawaii 1986-1988; Honolulu Academy of Arts 1985-2007.
I prefer painting the figure. Part of the enjoyment is observing humans interact with each other.  The rest has to do with their surroundings, the props, and the interplay of their figure and the shapes they produce.  I like the way light interacts with these elements and adds to the scene, bringing it all together.  It’s a brief story, a slice of life, stop action that grabbed me; there are no scripts only the memory of a visual moment, left with one’s feelings.

I find animals are just as interesting as humans to paint. Animals are pure fun to paint.

As I paint my focus is directed at seeing color, the relationship of one color to another color, light’s inter play  and the affect.  I would like to simplify my work and allow color to create form and concentrate less on replicating the exact line.  I fight with my evil twin who loves the challenges of form created by that exact line.

I love to paint big.  My job as a painter is to see what I feel and put it to canvas.  Write a story.

Currently I am living on Saba Rock, a beautiful resort that was destroyed by the power of hurricane Irma. Since February of 2018 I have recorded life on the island. Interested? Check out, SeenbyIngrid.com
Self Portrait, SellingOut IngridManzione

Self Portrait, Selling Out

Painter Ingrid Manzione On a tropical island

Ingrid Manzione

My paintings

Most of my paintings have figures in them.  They are portraits. Portraits of our lives.  The people are you, me, the guy walking down the street, anyone.  My home is filled with paintings that have people in them and the majority, if not all of the work, is not of anyone that I know.  So why paint people?  For one thing, one can never be bored or run out of material.  It’s endless.  I love watching people!

Museums are filled with paintings that include people and despite our not necessarily knowing them we find ourselves standing, staring, and taking them in.  We’re drawn in.  The light?  The story? A memory? A desired moment? Whatever  it is, something  holds us and keeps us in front of the work.  I go through life as if walking through a museum, something catches my eye and I am drawn. If lucky my camera catches the physical moment and I paint that which drew me in, captivated me.  That moment has so many possibilities as to what you the viewer sees and what I saw.

Look through my work and keep moving until something grabs you and you must stop and look.

About the painting, Self Portrait, Selling Out

I believe the majority of artists struggle their entire life; both financial and in their expression as artists.  Artists are driven by something within, always growing, changing, second guessing one’s work, wishing to see a piece “for the first time with fresh eyes”, longing for critiques and the list goes on and on.  I do find myself asking, “am I on the right road?” When this happens it causes you to stop and think and look around you. There’s so much art out there, good and bad and it all qualifies as art.  One that has grabbed my attention at times, because of its success (financial success) is resort art.  Some artists have become quite rich in this arena, they’ve figured out the “formula”, once that’s done it’s pretty easy to stay ahead of the game, for a short time at least.  They won’t be written in any art history books, a line or two will be mentioned in the resort’s history; their ego and bank account will have been well fed while alive.

This piece, “Selling Out” is about that.  It’s  going for the gold, getting the kudos we all need; recognition, a rock star in the art world, even if only with the resorts and their guests who have been taken in, dazzled by the sleek galleries.   They will be rewarded financially for their art.  I do believe most of us sell out, some more, some less and for some this is the art that they like doing.

This piece catches the artist, me, in the act of changing my path drastically and selling …selling my soul, my being… joining the resort artists leaving behind the piles of art that surround and accumulate from my passion to paint and not for money.  A note here, I haven’t sold out, just a fleeting thought expressed on canvas.